Mass Housing Training: Alcohol and Drugs in Housing
December 1 @ 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Alcohol & Drugs in Housing: What to Know and What to Do (C, H)
This training introduces intervention techniques for dealing with alcohol and drug abuse, including
heroin and opioids, in the context of housing developments. Participants will examine how their own
attitudes towards substance abuse affect the way they perceive their role as a service provider. They
will learn how to recognize alcohol and drug abuse and what they can and cannot do about it,
including how to stage an intervention and properly document a case for eviction when necessary.
This course fulfills the HUD RSC training requirement under the subject area – Medication/Substance
Instructors: La Verne Saunders, Dorrington & Saunders, LLC, Lisa Morishanti, Trinity
Management, and Helena Padellaro, MassHousing
Date: December 1, 2017
Time: 8:45am to 4:00pm
Location: Charlesview, Josephine Fiorentino Comm. Ctr., 123 Antwerp Street Ext., Brighton
Parking: Parking is open and free on Western Avenue, Antwerp Street Extension and the side
streets off Antwerp Street Extension.
Cost: $85 General public, $60 staff of local housing authorities, and
Free for staff of TAP member sites
For more information and to register, click here