Deaf and Hard of Hearing Recovery Project

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Project is building a welcoming network for Deaf-to-Deaf peer support and training. 

We also find hearing friends and allies in mental health programs and support for recovery from traumatic experience.

Who Are We?

Deaf individuals tell their recovery stories through 10-15 minute videos.  All 7 share about being diagnosed with a mental illness and their journey to satisfying, complex lives.  They are open about the dark days and their hope.

All presented in their native language – American Sign Language with captions in English.  We present them here in the hope of educating and inspiring others and creating community.

Mandatory drug tests are widely used across the United States. You probably will have to undergo one of these drug tests no matter where you work. The three basic categories of drug tests are hair follicle, saliva, and urine.

What is Peer Support?

What is Peer Support and the Recovery Model and How that is Different than the Medical Model (PDF)

Presentation developed and presented by Marnie Forgere, Deaf and Hard of Hearing project coordinator

How to Communicate

Tip Sheet #1 “Communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing”

Tip Sheet #2 “How to use American Sign Language Interpreter”

Tip Sheet #3 “How to get a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Person’s Attention”

Tip Sheet #4 “Helpful tips about Language Use”

“How to be Deaf-friendly with or without Interpreters” Guide for Hearing

White Paper Released (PDF)

Establishing Deaf to Deaf Peer Support Services and Training
Successes and Lessons Learned From the Massachusetts Experience  

Button Art by Rachel Klein & Diane Squires

Prepared by: Deborah Delman, Marnie Fougere, and Meighan Haupt
In collaboration with the Deaf Community Voice Team with The Transformation Center: Val Ennis, Marco Gonzalez, Lori Johnstone, Mary O’Shea, Taimin Rosado, Sharon Sacks, Minh Vo

With special appreciation to allies Justine Barros, Cathy Mylotte, Lucille Traina, Robert Walker and
Catherine Quinerly

Links and Resources

Minnesota Certified Peer Support Specialists program

MCDHH (MA Commission for tech Deaf and Hard of Hearing)

MCDHH Boston YouTube Channel  Founded by Deaf women in California “Our mission at DeafHope is to end domestic and sexual violence in Deaf communities through empowerment, education and services.”

Deaf YES Center at UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA

“Intimate Partner Violence in the Deaf Community: 5 Things You Need to Know & 5 Things You Can Do” (written for mental health providers) PDF

“Signs of Safety: A Deaf Accessible Toolkit for Trauma and Addiction” PDFASL

911 Disability Indicator Program

12-Step online for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Sounds of Sobriety (SOS):  This online email group was formed to help us who have a hearing loss (deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing) to find a place to recover from alcoholism. For many of us, face-to-face AA meetings no longer work. All members of AA, or those who think they may have a problem with alcohol, are welcome.    [email protected]

Deaf Grateful:  This is a real-time open discussion meeting on Saturday at 4 pm (EST) for deaf & HOH people who have a desire to stop drinking. Meeting uses videoconferencing software (easily downloaded) that requires a high speed internet connection and a webcam. Our communication mode is ASL only (no audio).

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Project Contact

Marnie Fougere
Video Phone: 617-606-7508
Email: [email protected]

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