
Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Review

Last Updated on 31.08.2023

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid was first known as a regular detoxifying shampoo. As the years go by, marijuana users are now using it to help them pass hair follicles drug tests. The company decided to stop manufacturing the product for an unknown reason. Old stocks were sold online at a higher price. Then, supplies ran out, and some tried to imitate the product and sold fake bottles. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid cleansing shampoo was rebranded and reformulated under a new company.

Testclear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Review

The original name of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid was Nexxus Aloe Rid, Aloe Rid Old Style, Aloe Toxin Rid, and Nexxus Aloe Rid Gentle Clarifying Shampoo. Testclear is now the manufacturer of this detoxifying shampoo.

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Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

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  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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The shampoo was not designed to remove drug toxins. It was made to flush out free radicals from hair and is a combination of strong chemicals. Actually, that was the reason for its downfall. It was too strong for the hair to handle that it causes hair and scalp problems. Now it has been reformulated and rebranded under Testclear.

Does Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Really Works?

If you use the correct method, this shampoo is quite effective. Many people can attest to this as they were able to pass the hair follicles drug test upon utilizing the shampoo. The Macujo Method and Jerry G Method are proven processes in removing detectable substances in your hair. Using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo in these methods can increase your chances of passing the hair follicles drug test. Read more here:

How to Use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid can be used in two ways. The Jerry G uses hair bleaching, dyeing, and detoxifying shampoo to get rid of traces of drugs in your hair. It will take ten days to complete the process.

Another way is through Macujo Method. This process was developed by one of the members of an online cannabis community. The process involves damaging the hair shaft to leak the drug residues and eliminate them. So, there is a risk involved if you use this method.

Below are steps on how to use the detoxifying shampoo with Jerry G Method and Macujo Method.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid with Jerry G Method Instructions

  1. Put on the rubber gloves.
  2. The dye should be of the same shade as your hair. It should contain ammonia to deposit the dye into the hair follicle and damage the hair. The more damage you cause to your hair, the higher the possibility you will pass the test. Bleach and color the hair following the procedures on the package.
  3. Shampoo your hair using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid.
  4. Wait for ten days.
  5. Do the hair bleaching and dyeing one day prior to the test. Wash with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid.
  6. On the test day, create a paste using baking soda. Apply in your hair, leave it for fifteen minutes, and wash using Zydot Ultra Clean, and you are done.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid with Macujo Method Instructions

  1. Put on the rubber gloves. Wash your hair using Old Style Aloe Rid.
  2. Combine water and baking soda to produce a paste. Apply it into your hair, make sure it reaches the hair’s roots.
  3. Protect your skin around the hairline by putting vaseline. Next, apply the Pink Clean and Clear to your hair. Allow it and the paste to stay in your hair for about an hour.
  4. Shampoo your hair with Tide detergent. It has proteases that can destroy the protein in your hair.
  5. Wash using the Aloe Toxin Rid, rinse, and wipe it dry.
  6. Put vinegar and Pink Clean and Clear again. Let it stay for thirty minutes.
  7. Rinse and dry your hair thoroughly.
  8. Shampoo again using Tide and rinse thoroughly and let it dry completely.
  9. Shampoo using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and rinse. Then use Zydot Ultra Clean and rinse. Dry your hair and go to the testing

The process can be done a day before the test. Just ensure you stop using the drugs. Clean your hairbrushes to prevent contaminating your detoxified hair. To prepare for a hair follicle drug test, the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is one of the best options available. It is essential to follow the instructions carefully and use the shampoo several times in the days leading up to the test.

Old Style Aloe Toxin for THC Detox

The shampoo is effective for detoxing THC. One of its main ingredients is propylene glycol. It is a common shampoo additive and has an antifreeze property. Propylene glycol has a special ability to detoxify the hair.

The shampoo also contains EDTA or Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid that acts as an antioxidant. You have to keep in mind that the methods used in detoxifying THC can damage hair, scalp, hands, eyes, and ears, so you need to be very cautious.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid to Pass Drug Test

Since the reformulation of this product, many people have been attesting to its effectiveness. Passing the hair follicles test is possible with the help of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid as it detoxifies hair completely.

Where to Buy Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid

The product can be brought directly from the manufacturer’s official website. Buying it directly from the official website can give you peace of mind that you will be getting a legit Old Style Aloe Toxin. There are tons of fake products out there, so you must be careful about where to buy them.

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Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is a reliable product that you can use in Jerry G or Macujo Method to pass the hair follicles drug test. It is safe and effective as long as you follow the instructions carefully.

This info given by The Transformation Center