Mill St. Open Mic Session
November 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Mill Street Open Mic November 29
6:30–8:00 p.m. at the deMarneffe Building Cafeteria
The purpose of the open mic session is to appreciate and showcase creative
individuals in the DBSA-Boston community.
The session will showcase the 1st 8-10 performers who signed up. Sign-up now at
the Welcome Table before time slots are filled up!
Each performer will have a 10-minute time slot for two songs or poetry pieces that are
FAMILY FRIENDLY (i.e. no swears, drug/sexual content).
Content will be reviewed before the performance.
All music, comedy, and poetry must be live; NO karaoke tracks, loud amplifiers,
or drum-kits, unless approved by Christian.
Please contact Christian at [email protected]
Mill Street Open Mic is offered on 5th Wednesdays