The Effectiveness of Peer Support Services: Research Highlights
August 18 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
FREE Online Webinar from BRSS TACS (Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale)
A growing body of research shows that peer support services are effective for supporting recovery from mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Service providers and service system administrators, however, do not always have access to the most recent research, nor the time to digest it. At the same time, funders and decision-makers often demand evidence for the effectiveness of these services.
This BRSS TACS webinar will bridge this gap by sharing highlights of research on the effectiveness of peer recovery support services for mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Presenters will share the results of two recent systematic reviews—rigorous and structured approaches to assessing the extent and quality of existing research—on the effectiveness of peer-delivered recovery support services for mental health conditions and substance use disorders, respectively. They will discuss the state of the research on peer recovery service, the limitations and challenges of the current body of research, and recommendations for future research.
Dr. Sally Rogers, Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Dr. Alexandre Laudet, Center for the Study of Addictions and Recovery
Dr. Ellen Bassuk, Center for Social Innovation
Dr. Justine Hanson, Center for Social Innovation