Latinos en Acción supports local networks designed by and for Latino community members working for mental health recovery and unity. Recovery Learning Communities (RLCs) in all regions of the state host events, culturally-sensitive networking opportunities and advocacy efforts for Latino peer support on a local level. Many offer peer support activities in Spanish.
Mental Health in the Hispanic/Latino Community
In 2010, Latinos made up 10.5% of the Massachusetts population. This amounts to approximately 627,654 individuals, roughly half of which are of Puerto Rican origin or descent (US Census Bureau, 2010). The population is disproportionately young and native-born, both characteristics that put an increasing number of Latinos at risk for mental health problems. Thus, the need for culturally and linguistically appropriate services will continue to grow at a rate far outpacing the supply of mental health providers.
Evidence is growing to suggests that peer support is a viable solution for bridging this gap and may result in higher positive outcomes in Latino communities.
¿Qué es la auto-agresión? (Spanish)
What is self-injury? (English)
Trauma en la Comunidad Latina (Spanish)
Trauma in the Latin Community (English)
Catherine Quinerly
98 Magazine St.
Roxbury, MA, 02119
(617) 442-4111
Toll Free: (877) 769-7693
Fax: (617) 442-4005
[email protected]